Strawberry Pie Filling:
6 quarts( 24 cups) strawberries
5-6 cups sugar (I used 6 when I made it but would try for 5 next time)
2 1/4 cups clear jel
7 cups cold water
1/2 cup lemon juice
Wash fruit and drain. Slice or cut in half if so desired; you may choose to leave them whole. Set aside. Combine sugar and clear jel in a large pot. Stir. Add water and mix well with a whisk. Cook on medium heat until mixture starts to boil. Add lemon juice and continue to boil for 1-2 minutes stirring continually. Fold in berries. Fill jars with strawberry mixture. Leaving 1 inch head space. Process in water bath for 30 minutes at a full rolling boil. Remove jars from water. Set on counter top to cool. Refrigerate any jars that do not seal properly.
I absolutely love this recipe! There are so many ways to use it. Pies, ice cream topping, on top of a cheesecake...
I like to replace some of the sugar with coconut sugar or xylitol. When I made mine I used 4 cups sugar, 1 cup xylitol and 1 cup coconut sugar. The coconut sugar will give your clear jel mixture a brown tint but once it is processed with the strawberries it will turn red.